Il giardino dei bimbi

Centri Affiliati
  • Affiliated Center La Maisonnette

    (Morena, Roma)

  • The Educational Centre La Maisonnette-Il Giardino dei Bimbi completes the provision of high-quality early childhood education and care services for children in the age range of 0-6 years old in the east area of Rome, near Ciampino, with the proposal of an early immersion trilingualism.

    Cutting-edge educational experiences focus on the children who, with their rights and creativity, can express themself through the “hundred languages”, from music, to cooking, to other interesting manual and motor activities. The carefully arranged spaces and environment are of great importance and the child can experiment with different materials and decide, with the group, which to explore.

    The educators build knowledge with the children that  use different personal resources in everyday life and each of them is the builder of his own knowledge. The aim is to enable children to recognise their talents so that they can better orient themselves among the challenges of tomorrow with full awareness and self-esteem.

    The school environment, furthermore, is permeated by the trilingualism that makes the Educational Centers La Maisonnette® stand out from other schools. The constant presence of staff in English and French, as well as Italian, guarantees a daily exposure to foreign languages ​​for an early immersion and a vehicular use of language.

    THE KITCHEN follows a menu prepared by a pediatrician/nutritionist approved by ASL. The menu provides a balanced diet, suitable for all ages and the food introduced for each child as indicated from the family.

    The school is open from September 1st to July 31st, from Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.


    For more information, to request an appointment or visit the premises, please call the number: Tel: 06/01902535 – Cell. 339/5293161 – 347/2626054 or send us an e-mail at:

  • La Maisonnette – Il giardino dei bimbi

    Via del Fontanile Anagnino, 52 – 00118 Morena (RM)
    Tel. + 39 06 01902535


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