Affiliated Center La Maisonnette
(Grottaferrata, Roma)
Welcome to the International Trilingual Nursery La Maisonnette Grottaferrata!
The structure, located in Via Vecchia di Marino, n. 135 is a trilingual Nursery that welcomes children from 0 to 36 months. It has large green spaces and bright and well-kept environments in accordance with the needs and activities offered.
The triple daily linguistic reference and an updated didactics are the elements that distinguish this school in the surrounding territory.
In compliance with the principles and philosophy of La Maisonnette® the new Educational Centre proposes the learning of other languages following the principle “Une langue, une personne.” Trilinguism is the result of a mixed pedagogical approach and a method of early language immersion. The linguistic acquisition based on the direct experience of the children and the vehicular use of the foreign language through the proposal of activities and paths aimed at stimulating and enhancing the natural process of learning and exploring. The design and the construction of specific contexts respecting the curiosity of the children who with their ability to listen, observe, interpret and experiment discover and acknowledges the world … In Lingua.
The owners Adriano and Holly Cafasso with passion and determination crown their dream every day and together with the Italian, English and French teachers, accompany the children along their path of growth from 0 months to 3 years. The owners support, the teacher guides and cares, the children have an active role and with their curiosity are at the “centre” of the school’s activities.
It is the context, the space, the environments that orientate the desire and determine the intention and action of the children. Their organization is at the base of every activity proposed within the school.
To achieve the learning-educational purposes La Maisonnette-Grottaferrata has organized the Nursery in homogeneous classes; additionally, in each of the classes there are specific angles of interest that allow children to interact in the environment with actions to which they give a specific meaning each time.
The reading corner is definitely a strong point and the proposal of aloud reading is part of the school’s daily routines.
Creative competence
“Creativity is the way the individual has to meet with external reality and play is always a creative experience”. (Winnicott)
This means that children use creativity, not for the production of a final project, but for the creative skills they have, which is the ability to relate to things. The result does not count but the process!
It is the school’s commitment to enrich the environment with opportunities for acquiring skills with an approach that reassures and supports children in building their own identity, allowing them to participate actively in everyday experiences.
The purpose of the Nursery is therefore to put children in a position to experiment, to try, to get in touch with things in order to broaden the range of their experiences and knowledge and learn to act on them in a creative way.
The Body, first instrument of knowledge
Nursery teachers use the body as a privileged instrument of knowledge of children: through the use of all 5 senses the exploration from which they derive information on the properties of objects is favoured; through “the Game”, children get information about what can be done with the objects themselves. This process is at the basis of the child’s psychomotor and socio-motor development, who develops its own projects, builds its own action schemes every time more coordinated, operational and elaborated. The child learns to learn!
Scientific exploration of the world
From activities with objects to logical-mathematical reasoning.
At La Maisonnette, active teaching encourages the activation of cognitive processes of discovery and re-elaboration of the scientific foundations of physical phenomena that are part of children’s daily experience.
The approach adopted sees science as a way of learning through continuous research and not as a body of information to be transmitted. Experimenting and exploring materials and phenomena in a free way, allows children to follow their own curiosity, only for the pleasure of discovery, helps children to immerse in a situation, stimulate their cognitive curiosity and allow them to proceed through investigations.
Marco observing the sea: “It is so full!”
Emma the airplane is far: “How do you get in?”
Systematic exploration
The school cultivates the taste for inquiry!
“Seeing” the science inherent in children’s cognitive strategies means accepting that they can discover the laws of matter and the physical elements that are part of the environment by experimenting: weight, balance, consistency of objects, shape, size, light, colours, sight, sounds, noises, etc …
Thanks to the reassuring and competent presence of the teachers, finding a scientific reading together with the children of the activities proposed, allows to understand, learn and identify the physical variables … through games.
There is large space to the heuristic game and experimentation! We play with sand, earth and water, we proceed with transformations and changes; we play with the balance of objects and the body!
There is a world to be discovered at La Maisonnette-Grottaferrata!
Malaguzzi: “Nothing without Joy”
THE SCHOOL IS OPEN from Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 19:00, from September 1 to July 31.
The school ensures a constant commitment towards safety in the work environment, as well as complying with the security and the hygiene parameters within the Self-Regulation plan established by HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) for the internal kitchen, with periodical inspections from the competent authorities.
THE KITCHEN is on site and foresees a 5-week menu approved by the ASL (sanitary local company) that includes lunch and snacks.
Enrollments are open to begin this wonderful adventure from September 2019.
For further information, appointments or visiting the school, please call us: cell. + 39 338.1956040 or send an email to: infogrottaferrata@lamaisonnette.net
La Maisonnette – Grottaferrata
Via Vecchia di Marino n. 135 – 00046 Grottaferrata
Cell. + 39 338.1956040
E-mail: infogrottaferrata@lamaisonnette.net