School Uniform

  • School uniform at La Maisonnette

  • La Maisonnette was born in 1980 as a child-friendly nursery school and kindergarten.

    In pursuing its educational mission and in compliance with its own Charter of Values, La Maisonnette promotes the adoption of the school uniform for its staff and for the children attending the school.

    La Maisonnette’s pedagodical and didactic project, linked to early trilingualism, intercultural education, the development of critical thinking, responds to the multi-ethnic context of our society and the school uniform is a good ally for the school in pursuing the commitments made.

    If general clothing provides meanings within social relationships and clear cultural messages, the uniform underpins the formation of the self and personal and collective identity. The uniform allows to go beyond the mutual differences, even the cultural ones, preparing children and families for integration. It is important that the school context enables young girls and boys to be recognized as part of the group, facilitating acceptance, the integration of all members of the class and the school community, avoiding any form of discrimination. Furthermore, the uniform is composed of items suitable for the proposed educational activities; it is comfortable and safe for children who can manage it without the help of an adult. The uniform, designed for their comfort, supports the acquisition of autonomy.

    The equality of clothing is not homologation that suffocates originality. Our teaching not only allows but seeks the possibility of bringing out the personality and creativity of every child. It is possible to bring out one’s own characteristics not only through clothing but, above all, through one’s thoughts and actions.

    At La Maisonnette the school membership and the uniform are integral part of experiencing education.

    Another advantage of the uniform is safety. During the school year numerous educational outings are organized and for teachers to have the class easily recognizable is an important visual support.

    At La Maisonnette the school uniform is perceived as a “cultural mediator” for a spontaneous expression of relationships, able to generate a sense of belonging among the members and a secure basis on which to express and freely build one’s personality.

    The school is not for the children. It belongs to the children.


    To see the items please visit the following website:

    Store opening days and hours by La Maisonnette Eur located in Viale dell’Umanesimo, 74 Roma:

    Monday              (Closed)             15:00 – 18:30
    Thusday           8:00 – 13:00         15:00 – 18:30
    Wednesday         (Closed)            15:00 – 18:30
    Thursday          8:00 – 13:00        15:00 – 18:30
    Fraiday               (Closed)            15:00 – 18:30