Con gli occhi dei Bambini

Centri Affiliati
  • Affiliated Center La Maisonnette

    (Parco dell’Appia Antica)

  • The Nursery School La Maisonnette – Con gli occhi dei bambini opened in 2017 becoming an affiliated center of La Maisonnette® as a result of the experience and the passion of its owners, Valentina Grillone e Massimo Mazzocchi for the Infant world.

    Starting September 2019 this Educational Centre is as well Kindergarten.

    The School is near the park Appia Antica, it is a villa immerse in the green, and following the tradition of La Maisonnette® is a trilingual Nursery and Kindergarten that welcomes children from 0 to 6 years divided in homogenous classes. The daily exposition to the languages and the up-to-date teaching, are characteristics of this School in the territory.

    The Affiliated Center offers an eclectic and multicultural education for children. The garden is protected from the traffic, it is equipped and organized as a multifunctional space that allows it to be used for the language laboratories, music and movement education.

    The School provides spaces and furniture in line with the security requirements and consents the development of activities in small groups, encouraging children’s exploration and autonomy.

    La Maisonnette – Con gli occhi dei bambini offers, as part of the P.T.O.F., and as curricular activity the laboratory “Play the Music” under the supervision of the teacher Andrea Chianelli.

    “During the first years of life, children express themselves spontaneously, using music: banging objects with a certain rhythm between them, they vocalize and dance to the music, they produce sounds as they run. Furthermore, children show a big range of attention when listening to music, displaying their interest and joy.

    Through music, children enter their emotions, their wishes, their needs and shape them by playing with it. The production of “Sound Dialogues” allows children to transform their emotions in communicative signals; meaning that it is in the core of the development of cognitive and social abilities, and promotes a well being at a psychophysical level.

    Additionally, the association of different rhythms, and different movements and gestures within a space, transforms music into an educational instrument for the comprehension and the retelling of reality. This is “Moulding the emotions” through story telling.

    METHODS USED: The activities reflect different models from art-therapy, to Gordon methodology, to musical education of J.Dalcroze, to the ORFF method, to the creative movement (Garcia-Plevin) to the circus acrobatics.

    Every element, technic or methodology is presented to the children as a game, song, music or just enjoyment, in a way that every child can find their personal take on the activity.”

    THE SCHOOL IS OPEN from Monday to Friday from: 7:30 am to 6:30 pm, from September to July.

    THE KITCHEN in the school complies with the security and the hygiene parameters within the Self-Regulation plan established by HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), with periodical inspections from the competent authorities. The Municipality of Rome approves the menu. The school also provides the morning and the afternoon snack.

    From 1 November 2019 the school has adopted NEOLIFE cleaning and cleansing products – GNLD International, a leader in the cleaning sector that offers biodegradable detergents. The formulas are environmentally friendly: no toxic fumes, no harmful chemical agents!



    (Andrea Chianelli)

    This class is for the children from 3 years and up, and if it reaches the required number, it will be from October to May.


    The introduction to dance is born with the aim of bringing children closer to the world of dance and music through rhythm and movement that helps them get acquainted with their bodies. Anatomy concepts are transmitted in an ideal, simple method consistently with their age. The study of the body is essential to be self aware and in a second moment, be able to move no longer with a casual approach, but in a natural, felt, harmonious matter.


    The swimming course is for children of the Kindergarten and takes place once a week during the morning. Children have an innate predisposition to swim and to be in the water. Between the 2and half years to the 5 years old, in the sea or in the swimming pool, children learn spontaneously to dive, swim for a few meters using the dog paddle swimming style, enter and exit the water in complete autonomy. The ideal age to start a swimming class is around 3 years of age: in the swimming pool, the children starts to move using their legs and the board and then, gradually is able to be more in control of his/her own movements and coordination. Paediatricians advice swimming lessons during the winter so when the summer comes, children are more prepared to deal with the sea, the salt water, which is heavier and more difficult to manage, having the tools to live this experience with a more serene attitude.


    Cell. + 39 348 103 2472






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