Pinko e Pallino

Centri Affiliati
  • Affiliated Center La Maisonnette

    (Quartiere Europa)

  • The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten La Maisonnette-Pinko e Pallino is one of the biggest educational centres of the network La Maisonnette®. It develops in 500 m2 with a wonderful garden of 1000 m2, a terrace of 200 m2 and it is located at the heart of Eur, near the Hospital Sant’Eugenio.

    La Maisonnette-Pinko e Pallino welcomes children from 10 months to 6 years old divided in homogenous classes. In line with the values of La Maisonnette® the school offers an eclectic and multicultural education for children. The school’s personnel is constantly up to date and represents a daily language presence.

    The multilingualism is considered an asset as well as the variety of cultures and reflects the identity of the Affiliatted Centres of La Maisonnette®. The educational centre Pinko e Pallino is committed to sustain this aspect offering as well as a Spanish laboratory.

    The School provides spaces and furniture in line with the CEE requirements. The organization of the spaces and the different stimuli consents the development of activities in small groups, encouraging children’s exploration and autonomy according to their own age group.

    THE SCHOOL IS OPEN from Monday to Friday from: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, from September to July.

    The school has an on going commitment towards safety in the work environment, as well as complying with the security and the hygiene parameters within the Self-Regulation plan established by HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points).

    THE KITCHEN in the school foresees a 5-week menu approved by the ASL (sanitary local company).



    In January 2021 La Maisonnette Pinko e Pallino installed an air purification and surface sanitization system active 24 hours a day inside the school.

    The device installed uses the “ActivePure” technology, the only one globally recognized and certified by Space Technology.







    (Lab. Andrea Chianelli)

    Corporal expression is an effective tool to help emerge children’s personality and creativity, by promoting an environment of collaboration, joy and harmony. Furthermore, it creates interdisciplinary paths in which time, space, rhythm, psychomotricity, gestures and the education for the imagination are mutually reinforcing creating a singular trail. The teacher, through games, gives every child the opportunity to express themselves with their bodies, to discover something about them and about the others, to improve their concentration skills as well as their awareness, to coexist better inside of a group and at the same time, to feel free to canalise their fantasy and creativity within a guided path. Telling stories, play, express feelings and emotions not only stimulate and enrich the creativity, the fantasy and the imaginative world of every child but also, contribute to enlarge their cultural and social backgrounds and channel harmoniously the energy and sensitivity that belongs to each child, while sharing with others in a social environment. In the Corporal Expression Laboratory, children have the opportunity to be in a fun, creative, imaginative context and establish a dialogue between them and their own bodies.


    (Teacher Federica Pedicini)

    The introduction to Classic Dance is born with the purpose of bringing children closer to dance and music through the rhythm and movement that helps them get acquainted with their bodies. Anatomy concepts are transmitted in an ideal, simple method consistently with their age. The study of the body is essential to be self aware and in a second moment, be able to move no longer with a casual approach, but in a natural, felt, harmonious matter.


    (Sports Centre LA FERRATELLA)

    The swimming class is for the children of the Kindergarten and it takes place twice a week during the morning. Children are predisposed to be in the water and swim. Between the 2and half years to the 5 years old, in the sea or in the swimming pool, children learn spontaneously to dive, swim for a few meters using the dog paddle swimming style, enter and exit the water in complete autonomy. The ideal age to start a swimming class is around 3 years of age: in the swimming pool, the children starts to move using their legs and the board and then, gradually is able to be more in control of his/her own movements and coordination. Paediatricians advice swimming lessons during the winter so when the summer comes, children are more prepared to live the experience of the sea, the sand and the salt in a more serene attitude.


    The Music Laboratory held by AIGAM teacher Paola Conte, follows the Music Learning Theory of Edwin E. Gordon. The methods focus on the musical apprehension of children starting from newborns, knowing that music can be learned with a similar process with which languages are learned. Simultaneously, to their musical attitude and the children’s capacity of “audiation” that constitute the bases of the MLT, the method considers as well the innovation in the musical educational field. Gordon’s Music Learning Theory’s main goal is to create the conditions for the development of the musical aptitude of each child according to their possibilities, their manner and particularly their time. The method based on MLT encourages “audition” which is defined by Gordon as the capacity to feel and understand in one’s own mind the music, even if is not present in the environment. The ability of “audition” is truly the “musical thought” and it is essential to understand the musical syntax, to produce, to listen, to develop a good reading and a good improvisation of music. It is not the genius child or the professional musician that interest MLT, but on the contrary, all the children that have the potentiality to comprehend the musical syntax and express themselves with their voices or with an instrument.


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