
Centri Affiliati
  • Affiliated Center La Maisonnette

    (Quartiere Trieste)

  • The School is one of the Affiliated Centers La Maisonnette since 2013.
    It has been precisely the need to garantire our users the excellence proposal in teachingeducational, which led us to choose this brand name.
    Infect, not only the peculiarities of ensuring that all children present a precocious language use, (French – English – Italian), but also for the approach, which provides a constant experimentation and research in the field. A continuous updating of the operators and a programming/work planning shared from all the educational team.

    La Maisonnette® is therefore a guarantee of continuous innovative teaching which offers its “users” an eclectic and multicultural education, respect for individual differences, but in view of an education process to social life.The work is aimed on supporting and strengthening the multiple languages ,so that each of them has better possibility to develop and express their personality.
    Located in Via Aterno 1/3, the structure is one of the most precious building in the city with spacious interiors and a large garden.
    We welcome children from 3 months to 6 years old divided in homogenous classes. Many, however are the opportunities for inter-sharing, in which spontaneously strengthens cooperative learning in role plays always different.
    Our educational efforts are absolutely involved families, with which is held an exchange of information and collaboration through the blog ( which are exposed weekly photos and content of the activities and can be accessed only through a request of parents and our authorization). A daily logbook, collective and individual meetings and varie participation in school life.
    We also have a network of professionals who collaborate with us by offering their knowledge in the structure as external specialists for any advice.

    The kitchen follows a menu prepared by a pediatrician/nutritionist approved by ASL; rotates in five weeks and differs between “winter” (November- March) and “summer” (April – July). This menu provides a balanced diet, suitable for all ages and the food introduced for each child follows the update indicated by families.
    The food is biologic (no fundamentalism) and there is a special attention to the intolerance and religions beliefs.
    To ensure the safety and hygiene, the school is constantly working on several fronts:

    •  Plans self-control law 626 on the safety of the work place.
    •  HACCP for the canteen;
    •  System of light “easy light” according to the IEC 598 EN 60598-1 (CEI34-21), in defense of children eyes exposed for long period to artificial lights.
    • The personnel is BLSD/PBLSD qualified.

    The school is open from September 1st to July 31st, from Monday through Friday, from 7:30am to 6:30pm and offers parents three possible exits: 

    •  12.00 am (Only for the Nursery, without the lunch service);
    •  04.00/4.30 pm;
    •  06.30 pm.

    During the Christmas and Easter holiday we guaranty a regular school activities.


    Registration for the school year 20192020 are open.

    For more information you can contact us on + 39 06 64780765 or our e-mail:


    Via Aterno, n. 1/3 – 00198 Roma
    Tel. + 39 06.64780765 / Cell. + 39 333.4497994


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