Music Courses

  • The Music courses of La Maisonnette

  • Our courses are organized in two lessons a week of one hour each : a group and an individual class.

    The method

    It is based on the Russian pedagogical music school, famous worldwide for the excellent results obtained.
    The general principles are:

    •  Pre-school age for the beginning of the courses
    •  Music study in all its components (solfeggio, theory, rythmic, listening, history of music and piano)

    During teaching we use many elements of games, considering children’s curiosity that let’s them absorb contents very quickly.
    The aim of the corse i sto develop artistic immagination in children, discover their musical capacity (vocal art, the sense of rythm and images), indispensabile qualities in the umain activity; and to enrich their spiritual world through the knowledge of classical works, using fragments and compositions by Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, Corelli, Verdi and Ciaikovskij.


    If you are interested in this offer, get in touch with us.