Lifelong Learning

18 October 2019
  • Lifelong Learning a La Maisonnette

  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
     N. Mandela

    Lifelong learning, intended as the act of building one’s own professionalism, characterizes the training of personnel so that it is suitable for the educational action at La Maisonnette. It is aimed at  all educators, teachers, school collaborators, the educational coordinator and the director in service and represents an indispensable condition for the professional growth of those who work in our facilities.


    Everything begins with a meeting…

    Connections, relationships, materials, research, experimentation, culture, contents, tools, strategies, interculture, experiences, interdisciplinarity, exchange, self-criticism, ongoing evaluation, reflection, sharing are just some of the key words that distinguish our training proposal.

    The model chosen at La Maisonnette® is that of lifelong learning, continuous updating over time, which involves collegiality and keeps the relationship between theory and practice of the training action constantly interconnected.

    At the beginning of the school year, the school Headquarters offers a training weekend for all staff working in the Affiliated Educational Centers. Three days of full immersion in a multidisciplinary professional training course.

    An exclusive Network event held by university professors and experts in the international educational and psychosocial world.
