Information on Curriculum Vitae received in the institutional website La Maisonnette according to the art. 13 and 14 Reg. 2016/679/UE


    The Data Controller provides the “Work with us” page for consultation of professional positions available in the La Maisonnette school network and reserves the right to evaluate the applications received for the purpose of selecting and recruiting personnel.

    The Data Controller is La Maisonnette S.r.l. based in Viale dell’Umanesimo n. 72-74, IT-00144, Rome (E-mail:, PEC: Subsequently, if authorized by the interested party, the Data Controller will be the company that manages the specific headquarters of the La Maisonnette Affiliate Center seeking staff with whom La Maisonnette S.r.l. share the same information. Please refer to the page dedicated to Affiliated Centers within the website to for information on the other Data Controllers.

    1. Purpose of the processing

    Personal data spontaneously communicated will be processed by La Maisonnette S.r.l. who receives the CV for the following purposes:

    1. a) responding to requests for information;
    2. b) managing Research, Personnel Selection and business contacts;
    3. c) exercising the rights of the owner, such as the right to defense in court.

    If the Data Controller intends to process data provided for purposes other than those detailed above, the aspiring candidate must be informed of such additional purposes before carrying out this processing.

    2. Legal bases of the processing

    The legal bases lay in the art. 6 p.1 lett. b e f) of the Regulation: “the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; and “processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party”; the nature of the data processing is optional, and in its absence, the controller cannot evaluate the profile of the candidate. The consensus of the data subject is explicit by transferring the cv via e-mail, fax or the recruiting section in the website

    In case of receipt of the CV by email, the information on data processing will be communicated at the first useful contact following the sending of the curriculum.

    If the CV is sent via the website, the information is immediately available on the Privacy Policy page and must be read before sending.

    When there is the intention to enable the communication of the data, especially if there are sensitive data in the CV, within the Affiliated Centres of La Maisonnette, it is necessary to include the following indication in the CV:

    “Hereby I authorize the processing of my personal data and particular data included in my cv according to the Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 “Rules on the protection of personal data” and the GDPR (UE Regulation 2016/679) to be communicated within the network of the Affiliated Centres of La Maisonnette”.

    In the absence of the specific authorization to this regard, it will not be possible to share the CV received with the Affiliated Centres and therefore to meet possible demands within the circuit.

    3. Processing Methods

    The personal data are processed by the controller and responsible persons authorized for the adequate fulfillment of the purposes indicated in point 2) through electronic instruments and paper archives, as well as the use of security measures designed to ensure the confidentiality of personal data and to avoid unauthorized access. The controller shall not put into act automated processing, including profiling, for the achievement of the purposes included in the present document.

    4. Data communication

    The data concerning means of communication (telephone, e-mail, etc.) will be used by internal parties duly appointed. Data communication and dissemination (e.g., social networks, Internet websites, etc.,) with third parties outside of the E.U. is not envisaged.

    5. Duration of Processing

    The controller will keep the personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes described above and not longer than 2 years of their collection, after which the controller or an appointed person will remove the CV.

    6. Rights of the interested party

    Data subjects have the right to request access from the controller to their personal data, to ask to rectify it, to cancel, to limit the processing or to oppose for their data to be processed, as well as the right to require the portability of the data itself.

    The request can be addressed to the controller to whom the CV has been sent via e-mail, fax or registered letter with the text: “PRIVACY-Requirement on behalf of the interested party” specifying the right that the subject wishes to exercise (cancellation, rectification, portability, forgotten), adding a valid email/pec address to which the reply can be delivered.

    The data controller or anyone appointed by the same, will comply with the request within 30 days from the date of receipt. If the matter of the request may be judged complex, the time could be extended to a further 30 days, subject to timely communication to the interested party. If the data had been communicated to a La Maisonnette Affiliated Centre, it will be the responsibility of La Maisonnette S.r.l., who first received the CV, as the data controller, to inform the circuit of the request received.

    If the aspiring candidate deems it appropriate to assert his rights, they have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, corresponding to the National Privacy Guarantor, based in Piazza di Montecitorio, 121, 00186 Rome.

    7 Data Protection Officer (DPO)

    The Data Protection Officer, pursuant to art. 37 of Reg. 2016/679 / EU, is Dr. Luca Galasso based in Rome, e-mail: