
Centri Affiliati
  • Affiliated Centre La Maisonnette

    (Roma Nomentana)

  • Girodondolo S.r.l., is located the II Municipality, it is an Affiliated Centre of La Maisonnette® since 2008.

    The Nursery was founded with the aim of offering a quality childcare service, with the purpose of enhancing the experiences in the most receptive period of human life by welcoming children ages between 3 months and 3 years old.

    The structure is a welcoming and familiar place, just like a small house for children where the spaces allow them to express their potential, their skills and their curiosity; to be able to create and communicate with others; to be able to reinforce their identity, autonomy and security. 

    On the ground floor there are the little square, a place for children to meet and play, and around the square there are the (homogeneous) sections of the nursery, as well as the kitchen and the office. 

    On the second floor there is the Atelier which becomes a school laboratory, a place where children can experiment, where they can get their hands dirty with clay and colours and paint their faces with brushes.



    Our school offers the child a precious opportunity: a PRECOCIOUS SENSIBILIZATION TO LANGUAGES, therefore listen, familiarize and also learn a second language in the daily life through the experiences that are made at the Nursery. The LANGUAGE teachers become a daily reference for children who acquire knowledge and language skills through the experiences, research, games and relationships that live every day within the Service.


    Walk out to reach the villas near us, the neighborhood market, the library is a path of outdoor education aimed at allowing children to express the many languages (ludic, motor, emotional, social, expressive, creative) exploration of the environment, concrete experiences and sensory experiences, especially in a context in which children live an increasingly virtual and digital reality.

    READING (from the initiative Nati Per Leggere - Born to Read)

    In our educational practice, a major importance is recognized in reading and narrating aloud. In each section there is the “reading” space where the children can rest, browse, smell, and touch the books. Here the teachers gather to read stories and narratives aloud and, together with the children, tell new stories and discover new books that then become part of the group knowledge.


    The teacher and the psychomotricity expert are receptive to grasp the characteristics of the motor skills of the children, their ability to communicate and play, their difficulties and their victories, their ability to represent and act according to their own effectiveness. Educating the body through movement means helping children to take charge of their own motor skills knowing how to manage and modulate it also in relation to emotions and tensions: this leads to acquiring a bodily availability that also translates into an improvement in attention.


    It is the physical place in the school where children explore new materials, express thoughts using new languages and the place that offers a different quality of being at school, a learning laboratory…. As Loris Malaguzzi used to say: “Places where children’s hands, rather than getting bored, can re-communicate with the mind”.


    From 1 September to 31 July and from Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 12.30/16:00/18:30, offering parents flexible exit times during the day.

    The school ensures a constant commitment to guaranty safety (DL 81/08) and environmental and food hygiene (HACCP). The staff is trained on first aid and emergency procedures (fire prevention plan).


    The internal kitchen adopts the same menu adopted by the public schools of the II Municipality. It rotates every 5 weeks and changes according to both age groups and seasons, “winter” (November-March) and “summer” (April-October). There’s special attention to prepare the meals that accommodate the needs of intolerances, allergies, and religious needs; the school also provides a morning and afternoon snack.


    From June, the summer camps begin

    • For children from 3 to 5 years old
    • Canteen and internal kitchen
    • Laboratory activities, games and outdoor movement

    For the summer closure of Public Nurseries, this Educational Centre offers a support service to families, welcoming children from 0 to 36 months.


    For further information, appointments or visiting the school, please call at: 

    Tel. + 39 06 86214960  – Cell. + 39 347 6791506

  • La Maisonnette – Girodondolo

    Via Tripolitania, n. 175/181 – 00199 Roma
    Tel. + 39 06 86214960


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