Languages Courses - Courses in English and French

  • The Languages courses of La Maisonnette

  • LA MAISONNETTE offers in-depth language courses for children from the ages of 3 to 11 in English and French from October to May, once a week in the afternoon for an hour and a half.

    Courses for children from 4 to 6

    Studies have shown that if children are introduced to foreign languages at an early age they will learn much more easily and completely than if they are exposed to language at a later age. The fact that they learn the pronunciation and rhythm of a language makes it much easier for them to relate to the language for the rest of their lives.
    This is why we introduce language into their everyday activities, so that they are stimulated at the same time that they are playing, adapting activities to their age and their favorite games – so that learning and playing become one and the same. The fact that they are learning in a play situation means that they do not consider language learning in terms of lessons. Since the language is spoken throughout the course it becomes natural and alive to the children.

    Language teachers speak in their own languages:

    •  During free play and structured play
    •  During story reading
    •  During singing and reciting nursury rhymes.

    While singing songs in other languages children get to know each other through the universal language of music.

    We expect children to learn key words and to understand and produce simple phrases related to everyday activities. As the course continues other words and phrases are introduced having to do with weekly activities in order to enrich their vocabulary. The use of adjectives and adverbs is encouraged.

    Children will be introduced to group activities based on movement and exchange that favor concentration and memory. Children are encouraged to take part in scientific games and building projects aimed at developing dexterity. New vocabulary is introduced through song (also accompanied by instruments), story telling and acting out stories. Fables and songs are chosen according to age and come from the cultures of the language being taught.

    Courses for children in kindergarten (from 3 to 6)

    Courses may be based on the following subjects:

    •  Discovering France/England
    •  The family, colors and clothing
    •  Our bodies
    •  Our five senses
    •  Trades
    •  Cooking
    •  Life in the city
    •  Vacations

    Courses for elementary school children (from 6 to 11)

    Elementary school, the foundation of all learning, is considered the scholastic experience that “promotes the acquisition of all kinds of language and a beginning level of handling knowledge and skills”, and “favors acquisition of the Italian language and another European Union language (English or French)”.
    Therefore, a general introduction to foreign languages in school, at least in the first and second grades, can only be considered a first step toward becoming literate and assimilating basic knowledge and skills: indispensable to further learning.

    Teaching basic elements of French or English to children is “an important and delicate operation” because every language not only forms thought but constitutes the essence of thought.

    Together with a grammatical foundation, that gives children the possibility to communicate, children learn to distinguish what kind of language is appropriate to different situations – thus acquiring the ability to communicate (to identify, confront, locate objects, understand and interpret what they hear…).
    During the first stage of language learning children often want to communicate but lack the instruments to do so. By learning songs, stories, rhymes and through games and role play children can develop their language tools: vocabulary, expressions, pronunciation and voice placement.

  • English-French Program for Children in Elementary School

    • Listening to stories and role play
    • The magic of writing in another language
    • Full day of outside games
    • Board game tournaments
    • Exploring the outside
    • Songs and Poems
    • Films in original language
    • Cooking
    • International dances and music
  • Special Project – “A Trip through History”

    • The History of the Colliseum
    •  Life in the Roman Forum
    • The Palatine Hill – the plants on the Palatine Hill
    • Games and toys of ancient Rome
    • Roman houses
    • Rome – its foundation and the legend of the wolf
    • Rome – what a lot we’ve learned!!!!

    If you are interested in this offer, get in touch with us.